Friday, February 15, 2013

Hey, I'm going to try this again!

So yeah, I tried the whole blog thing a couple of years ago. And by "tried the whole blog thing," I mean, I posted two half assed attempts at posting shit online. I had no idea what I was doing at the time, and guess what? I still don't know what the hell I'm doing. So if  I suck. I'm super sorry. I'm thinking I should start with a brief description of myself and the cloud of miss adventures and delightful destruction I leave as I navigate through my life, sooo here we go...

I'm barely an adult, even thought I'm well into my 30's these days. I'm a mommy, and sometimes I think I suck big time at it. Although, I'm constantly assured that I'm doing a pretty good job. I'm a hopeless type B personality surrounded by type A's that keep me in line, and keep me out of trouble, and somewhat behaved. I fell hard for a super type A a few years back, and he's an oh so patient man, putting up with my complete lack of organization, I don't know he does it, other than somehow, he loves me and can bring me back to reality from time to time. I've been at the same job for 10 years, with no way to express my creative side, and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I thought at one point I'd be a rock star or a princess, or Punky Brewster, but none of that has panned out for me yet. I don't think things through, I just do. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But at least when it doesn't, I have a good story and a good laugh. I'm a complete anxiety ridden mess at times, but calm as a cucumber at other times. My friends rock. They are mostly type A's too, but I think they love me and all of my shortcomings. I've never fit into any sort of "label," so I just meander from here to there, and manage to make friends of all types, ages, colors, and even some friends with various personality disorders. :)

I can be a responsible mom and woman when I need to. But when given the chance to abandon that role for a little while, I can be the crazy friend who is up for any kind of adventure. I've lost that feeling of invincibility I had in my early to mid 20's, but I can still party with the best of them. I drink too much sometimes, I swear too much most of the time, and I make shitty financial choices still. Well, that's gotten better, marginally, but better.

Funny shit happens to me. And while some of the struggles I've been through, I always manage to find something funny about it, which results in fits of laughter later as I retell my latest mishap over a few too many beers or glasses of wine. I am sure I'll share some of these stories as this blog evolves. There's certainly plenty of time for those stories later. And I hope you find them as funny as I do.

I can be crude and offensive. I don't bat an eye at the worst of jokes. Awkward shit makes me laugh. If I can't find humor in life, I think I'd be a bigger mess than I already am.

I've always wanted to be the girl who gets up in the morning, has impeccable makeup, perfect hair, completely matched clothes, who can walk the halls at work with confidence. Usually though, I'm the one that wakes up 15 minutes late, only sometimes has the time to blow dry my hair, hates to iron, and somehow always manages to sneeze two seconds after I've applied my mascara. Thank God I don't have to wear pantyhose to work every day anymore, I can't tell you how much money I've wasted on those horrid undergarments. I've been known to wear the wrong kind of panties under a cute summer dress, only to find that they uncomfortably were wedged up my ass all day, that my only choice was to slip them off and trash them and spend the rest of the day commando, hoping and praying to whatever God is out there that I didn't fall and show the entire office all my goods.

So, that's me, as best as I can describe. I might blog about crazy girls weekends, romantic dinners with my love, funny shit my 6 year old says... really it's anything goes. I hope I can get this blogging thing down, and I hope that I can entertain someone with my story. Even if it's just one person.

So, let's do this, my friends. :) I'll try to change names (maybe) to protect the innocent (or really, the not so innocent), but in any case.. I certainly won't try to embarrass anyone any more than you've already been embarrassed. Deal?

Debbie Danger out.